Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic


Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic

It is a machine that records heart rhythms continuously. It is worn for 24 to 48 hours during normal activity.

Electrodes (small conductive patches) are attached to the chest. They are connected by wires to a small recording monitor. You carry the Holter monitor in a pocket or a bag that you wear around your neck or waist. The monitor is battery powered. While you wear the monitor, it records the electrical activity of your heart.


General instructions will be given to follow during the exam, the patient must keep their arm still each time the device measures the heart rate.

It is very important that you accurately record your symptoms and activities so your doctor can compare them with the Holter monitor results.

The electrodes must be firmly attached to the chest for the machine to get an accurate record of your heart activity.

When using the device, avoid:

Carry on with your normal activities while you are wearing the monitor. You may be asked to exercise while being monitored if your symptoms have occurred in the past while you were exercising.


The benefits to our holter monitor service include:

Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic

Comprehensive assessment

A holter monitor is a portable device that records the heart's electrical activity over an extended period, typically 24 to 48 hours. This provides a comprehensive assessment of the heart's function and can detect abnormalities or irregularities that may be missed by other diagnostic tests.

Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic

Accurate diagnosis

Our holter monitor services can provide an accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular disease or other conditions that affect the heart's rhythm and function, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic


It is non-invasive and does not involve radiation or exposure to contrast agents. The monitor is worn like a small, portable device, which is attached to the chest with electrodes. It is a safe and painless procedure that can be performed without any special preparation.

Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic

Early detection

Our holter monitor services can detect cardiovascular disease at an early stage, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. This can improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic

Patient convenience

A holter monitor can be worn for an extended period, typically 24 to 48 hours, allowing patients to continue their daily activities while the device records the heart's electrical activity. This makes it a convenient diagnostic test for patients.

Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic

Patient comfort

Our holter monitor services are a comfortable and stress-free experience for patients, making it an ideal diagnostic test for patients with anxiety or other medical conditions that may make other diagnostic tests more difficult or uncomfortable.


Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic Roosevelt Cardiovascular Diagnostic